Is Hawaii centralized in its procurements?

Posted on Jan 7, 2014 in For Vendors.

No. Hawaii is organized under the Hawaii Public Procurement Code, Chapter 103D, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), for procurements of goods, services and construction, and Chapter 103F, HRS, for purchases of health and human services.

The Procurement Policy Board has the authority to adopt Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) for all procurements, and designated chief procurement officers (CPO) serve as the central procurement officer for its jurisdictions. There are currently twenty CPOs for the various jurisdictions, including the counties.

Numerous procurements are conducted each year, and the CPO may not personally conduct each and every procurement. A procurement officer has the delegated authority from the CPO to conduct a particular procurement or all procurements for units within a jurisdiction, such as a department or division.

The Administrator of the State Procurement Office (SPO) is the CPO for the Executive Branch departments, providing support for the procurement of goods and services to the various departments. The SPO also serves as the central point for the distribution of procurement circulars, guidance, and directives to all jurisdictions.