Emergency Proclamations

Pursuant to Section 127A-14, Hawaii Revised Statutes, the governor may declare the existence of a state of emergency in the State by proclamation if the governor finds that an emergency or disaster has occurred or that there is imminent danger or threat of an emergency or disaster in any portion of the State.

Emergency Proclamations issued by the Office of the Governor:

February 25, 2025: Fifteenth Emergency Proclamation relating to homelessness, suspends Chapter 103D, HRS, Hawaii public procurement code, and Chapter 103F, Purchases of Health and Human Services through April 25, 2025, unless terminated or superseded by separate proclamation, whichever shall occur first.

February 25, 2025: Eleventh Emergency Proclamation relating to Uncle Billy’s Hilo Bay Hotel, suspends Chapter 103D, HRS, to the extent that compliance might delay the State in quickly obtaining the goods and services needed to address the emergency. The disaster emergency relief period shall continue through April 26, 2025, unless terminated or superseded by separate proclamation, whichever shall occur first.

February 25, 2025: Nineteenth Emergency Proclamation relating to Axis Deer crisis in Maui County, suspends Chapter 103D, HRS, Hawaii public procurement code, to the extent that compliance results in any additional delays involved in meeting procurement requirements for selecting contractors in a timely manner to respond to emergency situations.  The disaster emergency relief period shall continue through April 26, 2025, unless terminated or superseded by separate proclamation, whichever shall occur first.

February 14, 2025: Sixth Emergency Proclamation relating to telecommunications services on Hawaiian Home Lands suspends Chapter 103D, HRS, Hawaii public procurement code, to the extent that the department or agency has determined that it is not practicable or advantageous to procure the services required via traditional procurement methods and the procurement is necessary to ensure continued telecommunications services on Hawaiian Home Lands. The suspension is for the solicitation process only. Under section 103D-310(c), HRS, and section 3-122-112, Hawaii Administrative Rules, the procuring officer shall verify compliance (i.e., vendor is required to provide proof of compliance and may use the Hawaii Compliance Express) for all contracts awarded. Copies of the compliance and the award posting must be documented in the procurement/contract file. The award must also be posted on the Hawaii Awards and Notices Data System (HANDS) under Procurement Circular 2019-05 within seven days after award. The emergency relief period shall commence immediately and continue through April 15, 2025, unless terminated or superseded by separate proclamation, whichever shall occur first.

February 14, 2025:  Eighth emergency proclamation relating to heavy rains and flooding as a result of emergency conditions created by heavy rains and flooding on Kauai suspends Chapters 103D and 103F, HRS, to the extent that compliance results in any additional delays involved in meeting procurement requirements for selecting contractors in a timely manner to respond to emergency situations.  This proclamation supersedes all prior proclamations relating to heavy rains and flooding, and that the disaster emergency relief period shall continue through April 15, 2025, unless terminated or superseded by separate proclamation, whichever shall occur first.

February 4, 2025: Eleventh Emergency Proclamation relating to affordable housing suspends Chapter 103D, HRS, to the extent that the department or agency has determined that it is not practicable or advantageous to procure the services required via traditional procurement methods and the procurement promotes the construction, development, redevelopment, repair, renovation, and occupancy of housing.  The suspension is for the solicitation process only and is subject to the rules in the proclamation. The disaster emergency relief period shall continue through April 5, 2025, unless terminated or superseded by separate proclamation, whichever shall occur first.

February 4, 2025: Twentieth Emergency Proclamation related to wildfires suspends Chapter 103D, HRS, Hawaii public procurement code and Chapter 103F, HRS, purchases of health and human services, to the extent that compliance results in any additional delays involved in meeting procurement requirements for selecting contractors in a timely manner to respond to emergency situations.  This proclamation supersedes all earlier proclamations relating to wildfires. The disaster emergency relief period shall commence immediately and continue through April 5, 2025, unless terminated or superseded by a separate proclamation, whichever shall occur first.

January 31, 2025: Fourth Emergency Proclamation, relating to condominium insurance stabilization, suspends Chapter 103D, HRS, Hawaii public procurement code, to the extent that compliance might delay the State in quickly obtaining the goods and services needed to address the emergency.  The disaster emergency relief period shall commence immediately and continue through April 1, 2025, unless terminated or superseded by a separate proclamation, whichever shall occur first.

January 28, 2025: Emergency Proclamation relating to January 2025 Low-Pressure Weather System, suspends Chapter 103D, HRS, Hawaii public procurement code, to the extent that compliance results in any additional delays involved in meeting procurement requirements for selecting contractors in a timely manner to respond to emergency situations.  The disaster emergency relief period shall commence immediately and continue through Monday, February 3, 2025, unless terminated or superseded by separate proclamation, whichever shall occur first.

January 24, 2025: Fourth Emergency Proclamation relating to School Bus Services, suspends Chapter 103D, Hawaii public procurement code, to provide relief for the Department of Education (DOE) school bus service shortage, to the extent that compliance results in any additional delays involved in meeting procurement requirements for selecting contractors in a timely manner to respond to emergency situations. The emergency relief period shall commence immediately and continue through March 25, 2025, unless terminated or superseded by separate proclamation, whichever shall occur first.

Archived Proclamations