Procurement Position Levels
Position Level 1
Procurement Duties/Responsibilities/Tasks
- Procurement Officer (head of the purchasing agency (HOPA) who has written delegated procurement authority from the Chief Procurement Officer (CPO).
- Procurement Officer(s) with written delegation from the HOPA, limited to Deputy Directors, Executive Directors and Heads of Attached Agencies.
Note: Required to attend Level 2 mandatory workshops, as applicable, when subordinate staff is not delegated written procurement authority.
Position Level 2
Procurement Officer(s) (excluding those positions named in Level 1) whose responsibility it is to oversee/supervise the procurement process, develop, draft, review, edit, approve, or conduct any method of procurement, and ensure procurement compliance.
- Personnel tasked with procurement duties that include specification writing; drafting, reviewing, editing or compiling of procurement solicitations; or approving or conducting procurements.
Note: Requires HOPA written delegation. Refer to Procurement Delegation No. 2010-01, as amended.
Position Level 3
Personnel tasked to assist with the review, editing of procurements, proofread or check formatting errors, but not responsible or tasked with the substantive or content matter of the procurement.
- Personnel who primarily perform clerical or fiscal duties related to procurement or assist with (not conduct) small purchases.
Note: HOPA written delegation is not required.
Tasks Not Assigned to a Specific Position Level
There are no position levels assigned for the below listed duties/responsibilities/tasks. Personnel assigned the tasks are required to attend the applicable training workshops. Check the Procurement Training Requirements table to determine required workshop attendance:
- Purchasing from the State Procurement Office (SPO) Price and Vendor List Contracts
- Purchasing Intra and Out-of-state Travel
- Procurements Conducted on HIePRO*
- Inventory Management**
- Surplus Property**
- pCard Purchases*
- Posting of procurement solicitation and award notices , and CPO requests for Executive Branch departments only (HANDS)***
* Requires written HOPA delegation of authority (Form SPO-036).
** Requires written HOPA delegation of authority (Form SPO-017B or SPO-042).
***Requires Accounts Manager authorization. Refer to Procurement Circular No. (coming soon), or as amended