HIePRO is the State of Hawaii eProcurement system, a system for issuing solicitations, receiving responses, and issuing notices of award.  HIePRO is hosted by the Hawaii Information Consortium and has the following features:

  • Vendor Registration:  Vendors register on HIePRO by entering standard information such as company name and address, and create a profile identifying the type of commodity the vendor provides.  Government purchasers can search HIePRO prior to solicitation to ensure vendors are registered for the commodity they need to procure.
  • Common NIGP and NAICS Commodity Codes:  In August 2015 the commodity code classification system used in HIePRO will change from the NIGP (National Institute of Governmental Purchasing) code to the NAICS (North American Industry Code System) code.  Vendors now have access to NAICS codes and must login to HIePRO and add NAICS codes to their profile.  A crosswalk of commonly used NIGP and equivalent NAICS codes is available for users’ convenience.
  • Electronic Solicitations:  Government purchasers (called buyers in HIePRO) enter their solicitation on electronic forms and may attach files, if needed.  Once released, the electronic solicitations are available in a standard format to vendors registered on HIePRO.
  • E-mail Notifications:  E-mails are automatically sent to vendors registered for the commodity being procured, providing a link directly to the solicitation.  Amendments are also issued electronically with e-mail notifications sent to vendors.
  • Submission of Electronic Quotes: Vendors submit quotes electronically and may also add comments or attach files as appropriate.  A vendor may amend the quote electronically as many times as necessary up to the submission due date and time.
  • Electronic Award:  Once a solicitation closes, the HIePRO buyer reviews the submissions.  When a decision is made, the buyer notifies the vendor on HIePRO and the awarded vendor receives a notice of award in an e-mail.  Non-selected offerors are also notified.
  • Searchable:  Because the solicitations, responses, and notices of award are electronic, data is kept in a database and is searchable.  Vendors and buyers may search awards and solicitations.

Visit online at:  hiepro.hawaii.gov