Archived Procurement Directives

The procurement directives listed below have been archived. Contact the SPO at (808) 586-0554 for further information on the directives.

Form Number
17-18-E 10/13/2017 NASPO ValuePoint Cloud Solutions: Smartronix - Engagement Addendum and Statement of Work
2015-04 11/10/2014 Amended (Interim) Hawaii Administrative Rule (HAR) section 3-122-14, Exempted Items
2015-03 11/10/2014 Amended (Interim) Hawaii Administrative Rule (HAR) section 3-120-4 and Exhibit A
2015-02 11/10/2014 Repealed (Interim) Hawaii Administrative Rule (HAR) Section 3-122-66, Waiver to requirement for procurement of professional services
2015-01 11/10/2014 Amended (Interim) Hawaii Administrative Rule (HAR) Chapter 3-130, Inventory Management
2011-04 09/01/2011 Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) for Chapter 3-125 Modifications and Terminations of Contracts
2011-03 09/01/2011 Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) for Chapter 3-124, Preferences Subchapter 1 (Interim) on Hawaii Products
2011-02 09/01/2011 Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) for Chapter 3-120, General Provisions
2009-03 09/10/2009 HAR Chapt 3-124, Subchapt 9 (Interim) Small Bus Pref Rules and HAR §3-125-13 (Interim) Price Adj in Constrctn Contracts
2009-01 06/17/2009 Hawaii Admin. Rules (HAR) Chapt. 3-124, Subchapter 9 Small Bus. Preference Rules-Targeted Areas of Emerging Industries
2008-07 11/19/2008 Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 3-125 (Interim), Modifications and Terminations of Contracts
2008-06 09/05/2008 Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 3-124, Subchapter 9, Small Business Preference Rules
2008-05 08/26/2008 Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 3-120 (Interim), General Provisions
2008-04 08/05/2008 Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 3-128 Governmental Relations and Cooperative Purchasing (Interim)
2008-03 05/06/2008 Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 3-121, Procurement Organization (Interim)
2008-02 04/28/2008 Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 3-131, Compliance (Interim)
2006-05 Amendment 1 03/03/2008 Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 3-124, Preferences (Interim)
2006-05 12/29/2006 Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 3-124, Preferences (Interim)