Determine Contract Type
Sub-Sections 3.6-3.7
Sub-Sections 3.6-3.7
Resource |
Description |
Section |
Sub-Section |
Type |
(Sample) Contract and Burn Rate Log | Sample template for Contract and Burn Rate Logs | Contract Management | Contract Management | Template |
(Guide) Basic Pricing Guide | Manual for Basic Pricing Guide. | Completion & Closeout|Contract Management|Market Research|Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Completion & Closeout|Managing Contract Changes|Market Research|Other Procurement Considerations|Procurement Planning | Training |
SPO 301, Part 2- HIePRO Buyer Training | Part 2 of Basic Buyer Training for HIePRO includes: addenda/amendments to the solicitation if not covered in the previous session; reviewing the abstract and selecting an awardee; award notice; standard and optional instructions for award notice; compliance with HCE; amending awards. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Bidding|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Procurement Planning|Small Purchase|Solicitation & Award | Training |
SPO 301, Part 1- HIePRO Buyer Training | Part 1 includes: overview of HIePRO and eProcurement; requirements before conducting procurement; solicitation creation: commodity codes, description/specifications; unit of measure, delivery/start-end of contract dates; estimated price; uploading attachments; submittal due date; standard & optional instructions; Q & A; pre-bid conference section; solicitation release; and solicitation addenda (time permitting). | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Bidding|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Procurement Planning|Small Purchase|Solicitation & Award | Training |
SPO 185- Prevailing Wage, Certified Payroll & Contracting Agency Responsibilities | DLIR conducts this workshop. An overview of HRS Chapter 104, which requires all laborers and mechanics on public works projects to be paid prevailing wages, and contractors to submit certified payrolls to their contracting state or county agency. Determination of prevailing wage, classification of laborers and mechanics, understanding allowable fringe benefits and how to spot problems on certified payrolls submitted for public works projects are topics covered in the class. | Contract Management|Market Research|Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Bidding|Contract Management|Finalize Specs/Scope|Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Training |
SPO 145- Green Purchasing | DBEDT conducts this workshop. Introduction to the environmental, economic, health and pollution prevention benefits of ‘green purchasing’, also known as environmentally preferable purchasing (EPP); provide an overview of the procurement mandates for agencies under state law (Chapter 196, HRS and AD 06-01); and how to identify and procure environmentally preferable products in the SPO price and vendor lists. Includes products with Energy Star ratings, recycled and bio-based content ranging from office supplies to less toxic institutional cleaning products. Presenters will also briefly discuss the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative and Global Warming Solutions Act (Act 234, SLH 2007) as broader context for green purchasing. Participants will learn about current green purchasing activities of other agencies and the results of the annual EPA - DOH environmentally preferable purchasing survey. The new Green Government Challenge, a voluntary program which includes green purchasing criteria. Learn about how green purchasing saves money, energy and water resources, protects worker health and reduces pollution. | Market Research|Procurement Planning | Finalize Specs/Scope|Market Research|Procurement Planning | Training |
SPO 127- Understanding, Detecting and Preventing Antitrust Violations | A basic training conducted by the State Department of the Attorney General on detecting and preventing these economic crimes to procurement personnel. Topics covered include general understanding of federal anti-trust laws and penalties; patterns and actions that constitute bid rigging, price fixing, market allocation; how to report suspicious conduct; and possible preventative action and steps to help law enforcement. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Training |
SPO 100, Part 2- Competitive Sealed Bidding | An overview of the different segments of the CSB process, also known as Invitation for Bids (IFB). Provides participants the rules and procedures of the CSB process, a sample of a typical IFB, procurement notices, pre-bid conference, specifications, protest procedures, etc. Review the various preferences (i.e. Hawaii Products, Recycled, etc.), and a brief overview of CSB conducted via HIePRO. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Bidding|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Training |
SPO 225- RFPs: Getting from a Notice of Award to an Executed Contract for Health and Human Services | An overview of the process from the notice of award through execution of a contract, including statement of findings and decision, protests and requests for reconsideration, contract negotiations and discussions with applicants after award, contract development, and preventing interruption of services. | Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Other Procurement Considerations | Training |
SPO 220- Evaluating Proposals for RFPs for Health and Human Services | An overview of proposal evaluation and steps to take from the receipt of proposals to notice of award, including register of proposals, mandatory requirements, correctable errors, rejection of proposals, evaluator and advisor qualifications and training, confidentiality issues, evaluation criteria, scoring proposals and documentation, discussion with applicants after proposal submittal deadline, notice of award - statement of findings and decision, contract negotiations, inadequate response to an RFP | Market Research|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Develop Proposal Eval Strategy | Training |
SPO 215- The Request for Proposals (RFP) Process for Health and Human Services | An overview of the RFP development process, including working with the RFP team, timelines, RFP templates, conditions for use, administrative requirements, service specifications, instructions for responding to the RFP, evaluation criteria, and attachments; deciding when to require supporting documents; the RFP and contracts database websites as planning tools; procurement notice requirements; orientation meeting and addenda | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Training |
SPO 210- Treatment, Restrictive, Crisis and Small Purchase Methods of Procurement and Exemptions from HRS Chapter 103F | An in-depth review of the source selection methods other than competitive (RFP) including conditions for use, procedure for requesting approvals, forms, procurement notice requirements, posting requirements and record-keeping | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Small Purchase | Training |
SPO 205- Planning, Using Requests for Information (RFI), and Collaboration for Health and Human Services | An overview of planning, the team approach, requirements for conducting requests for information, collaboration that does not impinge on open competition for contracts, resources to use as planning tools, and when to utilize the RFI for federal grant application | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Other Procurement Considerations|Procurement Planning | Training |
SPO 200, Part 3- Basics of Procuring Health and Human Services | This workshop provides an overview of HRS Chapter 103F, Purchases of Health an d Human Services. Part 3 provides resources when planning and preparing health and human service procurements. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Procurement Planning | Training |
SPO 200, Part 2- Basics of Procuring Health and Human Services | This workshop provides an overview of HRS Chapter 103F, Purchases of Health an d Human Services. Part 2 provides a brief overview of HRS Chapter 103F statutes and its administrative rules. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Procurement Planning | Training |
SPO 200, Part 1- Basics of Procuring Health and Human Services | This workshop provides an overview of HRS Chapter 103F, Purchases of Health an d Human Services. Part 1 provides some background information on the State Procurement Office and HRS Chapter 103F, Purchases of Health & Human Services. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Procurement Planning | Training |
Contract Worksheet | Contract management worksheet | Contract Management | Contract Management | Template |
Contract Log- Sample | Log to list active contracts | Contract Management | Contract Management | Template |
HRS §103D-701 Authority to resolve protested solicitations and awards. | Statutory authority to resolve protested solicitations and awards | Solicitation & Award | Debrief & Protest | Statute |
HAR §3-122-70 Debriefing. | Procedures for debriefing vendors when procuring by method of professional services | Solicitation & Award | Debrief & Protest | Rule |
HAR §3-122-60 Debriefing. | Procedures for debriefing of vendors when procuring by method of competitive sealed proposals. | Solicitation & Award | Debrief & Protest | Rule |
HRS §103D-701.5 Procurement statistics. | Statutory authority for collecting protest statistics | Solicitation & Award | Debrief & Protest | Statute |
Form SPO-043 | Report of procurement protest | Solicitation & Award | Debrief & Protest | Template |
SPO 130- Construction Procurements | In this training, we will be covering various topics associated with solicitation planning all the way through contract execution. SPO Workshop is required training in order to participate in procuring construction services and receiving the associated procurement delegation. | Market Research|Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Bidding|Competitive Sealed Proposals|Determine Contract Type|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Finalize Specs/Scope|Market Research|Small Purchase | Training |
SPO 126- Procurement Code of Ethics and Compliance | An overview of Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), Chapter 3-131 on "Compliance", formerly known as "Procurement Violations." Topics include procurement code of ethics, parceling, procurement violations, application of civil and criminal penalties for procurement violations, and assessment of administrative fines for employees and vendors. | Completion & Closeout|Contract Management|Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Competitive Sealed Bidding|Competitive Sealed Proposals|Completion & Closeout|Contract Management|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Managing Contract Issues & Disputes|Professional Services|Small Purchase|Solicitation & Award | Training |
SPO 125- Exemptions from HRS Chapter 103D | Understand what is an 'exemption from HRS Chapter 103D'; view the listings of exempt procurements; review the essential requirements and the forms to document an exempt procurement. When applicable, using the process and form to obtain CPO approval. Review the requirement for posting award. | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Training |
SPO 122- Basics of Writing Specifications/Scope of Work | Learn the basics of writing specifications and scope of work for purchases of good, services and construction. Attendees will gain an understanding of what to include (and what not to include) in their solicitations. Workshop will provide general tips for writing thorough, clear/concise specifications/scope of work that apply to all methods of procurement. | Market Research|Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Competitive Sealed Bidding|Competitive Sealed Proposals|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Develop Proposal Eval Strategy|Finalize Specs/Scope|Professional Services|Small Purchase | Training |
SPO 120- Small Purchase Method of Procurement | This workshop is designed for state & county personnel conducting a solicitation utilizing the small purchase method of procurement. Presents a review of this procurement method and its place within the framework of procurement procedures; conditions under which this method of procurement may be used; explanations of dollar thresholds, parceling; review of small purchase procurement Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) and Procurement Circulars; quick overview of HIePRO (State of Hawaii eProcurement Application)- when its use is required. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Small Purchase | Training |
SPO 115- Professional Services | Understand what are 'professional services'; step through the processes to procure professional services as a qualifications based process; review and selection committees and responsibilities; affidavit form; conducting a debriefing; and requirement for posting of award information. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Professional Services | Training |
SPO 110- Emergency and Sole Source Procurements | Review of the statutes and administrative rules governing emergency and sole source procurements, the procedures and the forms required to request approval to use these two procurement methods, and the requirement for posting the awards resulting from the procurements. Examples and flow charts are shared to foster discussion to provide attendees a better understanding on the applicability of these procurement methods. | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Training |
SPO 105, Part 2- Competitive Sealed Proposals | This workshop is presented in 2 parts. Part I provides instruction in preparing a Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals (CSP), also known as Request for Proposals (RFP). The workshop includes determination of usage, development of scope of work and requirements in conducting a CSP procurement. Examples and sample template are reviewed in the workshop. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Proposals|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Training |
SPO 105, Part 1- Competitive Sealed Proposals | This workshop is presented in 2 parts. Part I provides instruction in preparing a Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals (CSP), also known as Request for Proposals (RFP). The workshop includes determination of usage, development of scope of work and requirements in conducting a CSP procurement. Examples and sample template are reviewed in the workshop. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Proposals|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Training |
SPO 100, Part 2- Competitive Sealed Bidding | An overview of the different segments of the CSB process, also known as Invitation for Bids (IFB). Provides participants the rules and procedures of the CSB process, a sample of a typical IFB, procurement notices, pre-bid conference, specifications, protest procedures, etc. Review the various preferences (i.e. Hawaii Products, Recycled, etc.), and a brief overview of CSB conducted via HIePRO. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Bidding|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | |
SPO 100, Part 1- Competitive Sealed Bidding | An overview of the different segments of the CSB process, also known as Invitation for Bids (IFB). Provides participants the rules and procedures of the CSB process, a sample of a typical IFB, procurement notices, pre-bid conference, specifications, protest procedures, etc. Review the various preferences (i.e. Hawaii Products, Recycled, etc.), and a brief overview of CSB conducted via HIePRO. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Bidding|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Training |
SPO 190- SPO Price and Vendor List Contracts and Cooperative Purchasing | An overview of the SPO price and vendor list contracts for a range of goods or services from multiple vendors; benefits of these contracts; where is the listing on the SPO webpage; how to use these contracts; completing the Evaluation: Vendor/Product form (SPO-012) for submittal to SPO to obtain feedback from users. Briefing on 'cooperative contracts' that achieves cost effective and efficient acquisition of quality products and services by combining the purchasing power of the various governmental entities. | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Training |
SPO 150- Insurance Requirements for Contracts | DAGS, Risk Management, conducts this workshop. Learn the who, what, when, and why in requiring insurance in contracts and understand potential risks for contracting purposes. Discuss materials to understand the different types of policies and requirements for contracting purposes. | Contract Management|Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Competitive Sealed Bidding|Competitive Sealed Proposals|Contract Management|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Other Procurement Considerations | Training |
SPO 141- Reporting/Posting Awards | This workshop is designed for personnel responsible for reporting and posting awards and Accounts Managers and covers information and demonstration of reporting/posting awards on the SPO Awards website. Includes: the logistics/mechanics of posting, review of the data fields, awards data entry form, awards that shall be reported, timelines for reporting, common mistakes. Workshop is recommended for personnel assigned user accounts for reporting/posting awards, Accounts Managers for posting Procurement Awards, Notices and Solicitations (PANS), and procurement personnel responsible for providing award information for reporting/posting. | Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Competitive Sealed Bidding|Competitive Sealed Proposals|Debrief & Protest|Professional Services|Small Purchase|Solicitation & Award | Training |
SPO 128- Information Session on Hawaii Compliance Express (HCE) | Hawaii Compliance Express (HCE) is an electronic system that allows vendors doing business with State or County agencies to quickly and easily obtain proof that they are compliant with applicable laws. The HCE certificate of vendor compliance is used to meet the requirements of HRS §103D-310(c) and HAR §3-122-112. This informational session is intended for State and County procurement personnel and will include topics such as: creating an account/registering as a buyer, navigating the system/checking vendor compliance, and understanding various compliance statuses. | Completion & Closeout|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Competitive Sealed Bidding|Competitive Sealed Proposals|Completion & Closeout|Professional Services|Small Purchase|Solicitation & Award | Training |
SPO 001- Procurement Basics | Brief workshop covers basic things personnel should know prior to conducting or participating in procurement activities such as developing and drafting a solicitation, reviewing, approving, conducting, managing the procurement and administering the contract. | Procurement Planning | Procurement Planning | Training |
HAR §3-122-201 Retention of procurement records. | Procedures for the retention of procurement records. | Completion & Closeout | Completion & Closeout | Rule |
HAR §3-122-58 Public inspection. | Procedures for the public inspection of procurement/contract files. | Completion & Closeout|Contract Management|Solicitation & Award | Completion & Closeout|Contract Management|Solicitation & Award | Rule |
HRS §103D-320 Retention of procurement records. | Statutory Authority for the retention of procurement records. | Completion & Closeout | Completion & Closeout | Statute |
HRS §103D-310 Responsibility of offerors. | Statutory authority establishing requirements for the responsibility of offerors. | Completion & Closeout|Solicitation & Award | Completion & Closeout|Solicitation & Award | Statute |
HAR 3-126 Subchapter 2 Authority to debar or suspend | Procedures for the suspension or debarment of a person/vendor from consideration for award or performance of all public contracts. | Contract Management | Managing Contract Issues & Disputes | Rule |
HRS §103D-702 Authority to debar or suspend. | Statutory authority to debar or suspend a person/vendor from consideration for award or performance of all public contracts. | Contract Management | Managing Contract Issues & Disputes | Statute |
HAR §3-125-18 Default, delay and time extensions for construction contracts. | Procedures for default, delay and time extensions for construction contracts pursuant to Chapter 103D, HRS | Contract Management | Managing Contract Issues & Disputes | Rule |
HAR §3-125-17 Termination for default in goods and services contracts. | Termination for default guidance and sample language that can be used in goods and services contracts pursuant to Chapter 103D, HRS | Contract Management | Managing Contract Issues & Disputes | Rule |
HAR 3-146 Small Purchase of Services | Procedures for small purchases of Health and Human Services pursuant to Chapter 103F, HRS | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Small Purchase | Rule |
HRS §103D-315 Multi-term contracts. | Statutory authority for multi-term contracts | Market Research | Determine Contract Type | Statute |
HRS §103D-313 Types of contracts. | Statutory authority for contract types | Market Research | Determine Contract Type | Statute |
HAR 3-142-202 Requests for Information | Procedures for conducting requests for information pursuant to 103F, HRS | Market Research|Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Market Research|Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Rule |
HAR §3-122-9.02 Request for information. | Guidance for issuing a Request for Information | Market Research|Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Proposals|Market Research|Procurement Planning | Rule |
HAR §3-125-22 Termination for convenience of construction contracts. | Termination for convenience guidance and sample language that can be inserted into construction contracts made pursuant to Chapter 103D, HRS | Contract Management | Managing Contract Issues & Disputes | Rule |
HAR §3-125-21 Termination for convenience of goods and services contracts. | Termination for convenience guidance and sample language that can be inserted into goods and services contracts made pursuant to Chapter 103D, HRS | Contract Management | Managing Contract Issues & Disputes | Rule |
HRS §103D-317 Right to audit records. | Statutory authority that allows State agencies to audit records of contractors. | Contract Management | Managing Contract Issues & Disputes | Statute |
HAR §3-126-31 Disputes clause. | Guidance and sample language for dispute clauses to be inserted into contracts made pursuant to Chapter 103D, HRS | Contract Management | Managing Contract Issues & Disputes | Rule |
HAR §3-126-25 General. | Procedures and remedies to resolve contract and breach of contract controversies when procuring pursuant to Chapter 103D, HRS | Contract Management | Managing Contract Issues & Disputes | Rule |
HAR 3-125 Modifications and Terminations of Contracts | Procedures for post award contract modifications and terminations of contracts procured pursuant to Chapter 103D, HRS | Contract Management | Contract Management|Managing Contract Changes|Managing Contract Issues & Disputes | Rule |
HRS §103D-501 Contract clauses and their administration. | Statutory authority for contract clauses and their administration. | Contract Management | Managing Contract Changes | Statute |
HRS §103D-212 Collection of data concerning public procurement. | Statutory authority for the collection and sharing of procurement data between Chief Procurement Officer jurisdictions | Contract Management | Contract Management | Statute |
Form SPOH-810 | Vendor Request for Consideration for Health and Human Services procurements conducted pursuant to Chapter 103F, HRS | Solicitation & Award | Debrief & Protest | Template |
Form SPOH-808 | Protest Reply for Health and Human Services procurements conducted pursuant to Chapter 103F, HRS | Solicitation & Award | Debrief & Protest | Template |
Form SPOH-807 | Response to Formal Protest for Health and Human Services contracts pursuant to Chapter 103F, HRS | Solicitation & Award | Debrief & Protest | Template |
Form SPOH-806 | Vendor Protest form for Health and Human Services procurements conducted pursuant to Chapter 103F, HRS | Solicitation & Award | Debrief & Protest | Template |
Form SPOH-805 | Response to Request for Clarification when conducting Health and Human Services procurements pursuant to Chapter 103F, HRS | Solicitation & Award | Debrief & Protest | Template |
Form SPOH-804 | Request for Clarification when conducting Health and Human Services procurements pursuant to Chapter 103F, HRS | Solicitation & Award | Debrief & Protest | Template |
Form SPOH-803 | Protest Scheduling Order for Health and Human Services procurements conducted pursuant to Chapter 103F, HRS | Solicitation & Award | Debrief & Protest | Template |
Form SPOH-802 | Notice of Protest Settlement and Scheduling Conference for Health and Human Services procurements pursuant to Chapter 103F, HRS | Solicitation & Award | Debrief & Protest | Template |
Form SPOH-801 | Notice of protest for Health and Human Services procurements pursuant to 103F, HRS | Solicitation & Award | Debrief & Protest | Template |
HAR §3-126 SUBCHAPTER 5 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDING FOR REVIEW | Proceedings for the request of an administrative hearing with the DCCA after protest | Contract Management|Solicitation & Award | Debrief & Protest|Managing Contract Issues & Disputes | Rule |
HRS §103D-324 Contract performance and payment bonds. | Statutory requirements for obtaining contract performance and payment bonds | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Statute |
HRS §103D-323 Bid security | Statutory bid security requirements when conducting competitive sealed bids or competitive sealed proposals | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Statute |
HAR §3-123 COST PRINCIPLES | Procedures for using cost principles when procuring pursuant to Chapter 103D, HRS. | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations|Solicitation & Award | Rule |
HRS §103D-312 Cost or pricing data. | Statutory requirements for obtaining cost and pricing data | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Statute |
HAR §3-122 SUBCHAPTER 15 COST OR PRICING DATA | Procedures and requirements for obtaining cost or pricing data pursuant to 103D-312, HRS | Contract Management|Market Research|Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Proposals|Contract Management|Determine Contract Type|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Other Procurement Considerations|Solicitation & Award | Rule |
Form SPO-038 | Vendor Certification to claim Hawaii Product Preference as defined by section 103D-1002, HRS. | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Template |
Form SPO-009 | Vendor Certificate of Eligibility to Claim Preference as a Hawaii Software Development Business as Defined by Section 103D-1006, H.R.S. | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Template |
Form SPO-008 | Vendor Certification of Recycled Content as it relates the Recycled Product preference when conducting competitive sealed bids | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Template |
HRS §103D-1003 Printing, binding, and stationery work. | Statutory authority for Printing, Binding, and Stationery Work preference when conducting competitive sealed bids | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Statute |
HRS §103D-1004 Reciprocity. | Statutory authority for Reciprocal preference when conducting competitive sealed bids | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Statute |
HRS §103D-1009 Preference for qualified community rehabilitation programs. | Statutory authority for Qualified Community Rehabilitation Program preference when conducting competitive sealed bids or competitive sealed proposals. | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Statute |
HAR §3-124 SUBCHAPTER 8 QUALIFIED COMMUNITY REHABILITATION PROGRAMS | Procedures for applying a Qualified Community Rehabilitation Program preference to competitive sealed bids or competitive sealed proposals. | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Rule |
HRS §103D-1008 Taxpayer preference. | Statutory authority for Taxpayer preference when conducting competitive sealed bids | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Statute |
HAR §3-124 SUBCHAPTER 7 TAX PREFERENCE | Procedures for applying a tax preference to a competitive sealed bid. | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Rule |
HRS §103D-1006 Software development businesses. | Statutory authority for Software Development Business preference to be applied to competitive sealed bids or competitive sealed proposals. | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Statute |
HAR §3-124 SUBCHAPTER 5 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT BUSINESSES | Procedures for applying a Software Development Business preference to a competitive sealed bid or competitive sealed proposal. | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Rule |
HRS §103D-1005 Recycled products. | Statutory Authority for Recycled Products preference to be used in competitive sealed bids. | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Statute |
HAR §3-124 SUBCHAPTER 4 RECYCLED PRODUCTS | Procedures for applying a Recycled Products Preference to competitive sealed bids. | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Rule |
HAR §3-124 SUBCHAPTER 3 RECIPROCAL | Procedures for applying a Reciprocal Preference to competitive sealed bids. | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Rule |
HAR §3-124 SUBCHAPTER 2 PRINTING, BINDING, AND STATIONERY WORK | Procedures for applying Printing, Binding and Stationary preference to competitive sealed bids. | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Rule |
HAR §3-124 SUBCHAPTER 1 HAWAII PRODUCTS | Procedures for applying Hawaii Product Preference to Bids and Proposals. | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Rule |
HRS §103D-1012 Biofuel preference. | Statutory authority for the biofuel preference to be applied to competitive sealed bids for appplicable fuels | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Statute |
HRS §103D-1002 Hawaii products. | Statutory authority for the Hawaii Products Preference, used in competitive sealed bids and competitive sealed procurements pursuant to 103D-302 and 303, HRS | Solicitation & Award | Other Procurement Considerations | Statute |
HAR §3-122-59 Waiver to competitive sealed proposal process. | Procedures for alternative procurements and waiver to competitive sealed proposal process pursuant to 103D-303, HRS | Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Proposals | |
HRS 92F | Statutory application of the Uniform Information Practices Act | Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Competitive Sealed Bidding|Competitive Sealed Proposals|Debrief & Protest|Professional Services|Small Purchase|Solicitation & Award | Statute |
HAR §3-122-51 Receipt and registration of proposals. | Procedures for receiving proposals when conducting competitive sealed proposals pursuant to 103D-303, HRS | Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Proposals | Rule |
HRS §103D-303.5 Pre-bid conference. | Statutory requirements for conducting a pre-bid conference when procuring by method of competitive sealed bid or competitive sealed proposal | Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Bidding|Competitive Sealed Proposals | Statute |
HAR §3-122-46 Preparing a request for proposals. | Procedures for preparing a Request for Proposals used when conducting competitive sealed proposals pursuant to 103D-303, HRS | Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Proposals | Rule |
RFP Checklist | Checklist of requirements for the Request for Proposal document used when conducting Competitive Sealed Proposals pursuant to 103D-303, HRS | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Proposals|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Template |
RFP Template | Formatted Template for the Request for Proposal document, with the general sections necessary when conducting a competitive sealed proposal pursuant to 103D-303, HRS. | Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Proposals | Template |
HAR §3-122-35 Waiver to competitive sealed bid process. | Procedures for alternative procurements and waiver to competitive sealed bid process pursuant to 103D-302, HRS | Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Bidding | Rule |
HAR §3-122-21 Preparing a competitive sealed bid. | Procedures for preparing a competitive sealed bid pursuant to 103D-302, HRS | Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Bidding | Rule |
Form SPO-010 | Form to notate record of procurement conducted pursuant to 103D-305 and 103F-405m HRS | Solicitation & Award | Small Purchase | Template |
Form SPO-010A | Small Purchase Quotation Form for the various thresholds of small purchase pursuant to 103D-305, HRS | Solicitation & Award | Small Purchase | Template |
Form SPO-024 | Attestation for serving on an Evaluation, Review or Selection Committee when conducting competitive sealed proposals or professional services procurements pursuant to 103D-303 and 305, HRS. | Market Research|Solicitation & Award | Develop Proposal Eval Strategy|Professional Services | Template |
Form SPO-044 | Form used to identify evaluation committee members and their qualifications when conducting competitive sealed proposals pursuant to 103D-303, HRS | Market Research | Develop Proposal Eval Strategy | Template |
HAR §3-122-45.01 Evaluation committee. | Requirements of an evaluation committee when conducting competitive sealed proposals pursuant to 103D-303, HRS | Market Research | Develop Proposal Eval Strategy | Rule |
HAR §3-122-52 Evaluation of proposals. | Procedures for evaluation of proposals when conducting competitive sealed proposals pursuant to 103D-303, HRS. | Market Research|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Proposals|Develop Proposal Eval Strategy | Rule |
HAR §3-143-205(d) Procedures for Evaluation | Procedures for evaluating Health and Human Services Competitive Purchase of Services | Market Research|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Develop Proposal Eval Strategy | Rule |
HRS §103D-405 Maximum practicable competition. | Statutory requirements for specifications in regards to competition for procurement solicitations. | Market Research | Finalize Specs/Scope | Statute |
HRS §103D Part IV- Specifications | Statutory provisions regarding specifications and requirements for specifications. | Market Research|Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Finalize Specs/Scope | Statute |
HAR §3-122 Subchapter 16 Determine Contract Type | Descriptions of and procedures for various contract types available to purchasing agencies. | Market Research | Determine Contract Type | Rule |
HAR §3-128 GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS AND COOPERATIVE PURCHASING | Procedures for conducting and participating in cooperative purchasing agreements | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Rule |
HRS 103D Part 8- GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS AND COOPERATIVE PURCHASING | Statutory requirements for cooperative purchasing pursuant to §103D-801 through §103D-810, HRS | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Statute |
HAR 3-147 CRISIS PURCHASE OF SERVICE | Procedures for procuring Health and Human Services by method of Crisis Purchase of Service | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Rule |
Form SPOH-500 | Notice of and CPO Request for Health and Human Services, Restrictive Purchase of Service Pursuant to section 103F-403, HRS | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Template |
HAR 3-148 PROTEST AND REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION | Procedures for protest and request for consideration of Health and Human Services procurements | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Debrief & Protest|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Solicitation & Award | Rule |
Form SPOH-600 | Request for Chief Procurement Officer Approval for Health and Human Services, Crisis Purchase of Service Pursuant to section 103F-406, HRS | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Template |
HAR 3-144 RESTRICTIVE PURCHASE OF SERVICE | Procedures for procuring Health and Human Services by method of Restrictive Purchase of Service | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Debrief & Protest|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Rule |
HAR 3-143 Competitive Purchase of Service | Procedures for procuring Health and Human Services by method of Competitive Purchase of Service | Market Research|Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Develop Proposal Eval Strategy|Finalize Specs/Scope|Solicitation & Award | Rule |
Form SPO-002 | Form to request Chief Procurement Office Approval for Emergency Procurements | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Template |
HAR §3-122 SUBCHAPTER 10 EMERGENCY PROCUREMENT | Procedures for procuring by method of Emergency Procurement, pursuant to Hawaii Administrative Rules. | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Rule |
HAR §3-122-123 Requirement for cost or pricing data. | Situations that require the submittal of cost and pricing data. | Contract Management|Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Contract Management|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Other Procurement Considerations|Solicitation & Award | Rule |
Form SPO-001 | This form is used to request CPO approval for sole source purchases (executive branch) | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Template |
HAR §3-122 SUBCHAPTER 9 SOLE SOURCE PROCUREMENT | Procedures for procuring by method of Sole Source, pursuant to Hawaii Administrative Rules. | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | |
HRS Chapter 464 | Statutory chapter outlining professional services for engineers, architects, surveyors and landscape architects. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Professional Services | Statute |
HRS §103D-104 Definitions. | Definitions used in the procurement code Chapter 103D, HRS | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Professional Services | Statute |
HAR 3-122 Subchapter 7 Professional Services | Procedures for procuring by method of Professional Services, pursuant to Hawaii Administrative Rules. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Professional Services | Rule |
HAR 3-122 Subchapter 6 Competitive Sealed Proposals | Procedures for procuring by method of Competitive Sealed Proposals, pursuant to Hawaii Administrative Rules. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Proposals|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Rule |
HAR 3-122 Subchapter 5 Competitive Sealed Bidding | Procedures for procuring by method of Competitive Sealed Bidding, pursuant to Hawaii Administrative Rules. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Bidding|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Rule |
HAR 3-122 Subchapter 8 Small Purchases | Procedures for procuring by method of Small Purchases, pursuant to Hawaii Administrative Rules. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Small Purchase | Rule |
HRS §103F-406 Crisis purchase of services. | Statutory requirements for the procuring of Health and Human Services by method of Crisis Purchases. | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Statute |
HRS §103F-405 Small purchases. | Statutory requirements for procuring Health and Human Services by method of Small Purchases. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Small Purchase | Statute |
HRS §103F-404 Treatment purchase of services. | Statutory requirements for procuring Health and Human Services by method of Treatment Purchases. | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Statute |
HRS §103F-403 Restrictive purchase of services. | Statutory requirements for procuring Health and Human Services by method of Restrictive Purchase. | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Statute |
HRS §103F-402 Competitive purchase of services. | Statutory requirements for procuring Health and Human Services by method of Competitive Purchases. | Market Research|Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Purchase of Health and Human Services|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Finalize Specs/Scope | Statute |
HRS §103D-307 Emergency procurements. | Statutory Requirements for procuring by method of Emergency Procurement | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Statute |
HRS §103D-306 Sole source procurement. | Statutory requirements for procuring by method of Sole Source. | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Statute |
HRS §103D-305 Small purchases; prohibition against parceling. | Statutory requirements for procuring by method of Small Purchases | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Professional Services|Small Purchase | Statute |
HRS §103D-304 Procurement of professional services. | Statutory Requirements for procuring by method of Professional Services. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Professional Services | Statute |
HRS §103D-303 Competitive sealed proposals. | Statutory requirements for procuring by method of Competitive Sealed Proposals. | Market Research|Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Proposals|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan|Develop Proposal Eval Strategy | Statute |
HRS §103D-302 Competitive sealed bidding. | Statutory requirements for procuring by method of Competitive Sealed Bidding. | Procurement Planning|Solicitation & Award | Competitive Sealed Bidding|Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Statute |
HAR §3-122-82 Sole source approvals and amendments. | Procedures for sole source procurement approval. | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Rule |
HAR §3-122-81 General provisions. | General Provisions for sole source procurements pursuant to Hawaii Administrative Rules | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Rule |
Form SPO-007 | Notice and Request for Exemption from Chapter 103D, HRS | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Template |
HAR 3-120-4 Exhibit A | List of Procurements Exempted from Chapter 103D, HRS by the Procurement Policy Board | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Rule |
HRS §103D-102 Application of this chapter. | Application of the State procurement code Chapter 103D, HRS | Procurement Planning | Develop Procurement Strategy Plan | Statute |
HRS §103F-412 Time line. | Time line for planned purchases | Procurement Planning | Procurement Planning | Statute |
HAR 3-142 PLANNING | Planning and Scope for Health and Human Services purchases pursuant to Chapter 103F, HRS | Procurement Planning | Procurement Planning | Rule |